Here Are Some Of Vocal Warm Ups for Soprano’s

As the highest vocal range of all voice types, singing soprano is certainly one of the most challenging, even if you have a voice naturally equipped to sing the vocal range, which typically starts at middle C and reaches up to high A.

Singing soprano isn’t for the faint hearted, requiring a great deal of practice, but more importantly you need to take the time to warm your vocals effectively.

Not completing vocal warm up before singing soprano is a quick way to damage your vocal chords and possibly lose your voice. Additionally, warming up allows you to reach your entire vocal range, which is certainly important when singing soprano.

Try some of these vocal warm ups for soprano!

Relax and Stretch 

sopran vocal warm up

Breathing is the driving force behind vocals, so you need to make sure your breathing is on point before singing soprano.

Because your breathing is affected by your posture, you want to take the time to stretch your body to ensure a relaxed posture that improves breathing.

Basic stretching exercise for the chest, back and arms are highly recommended, as these all affect how your breathing and vocals perform.  You want a relaxed upper body for improved breathing to help reach the wide range of a soprano.

Also, be sure to massage the jaw. By rubbing your palms around the cheekbone down to the jawbone in circular motions you stretch important muscles in the jaw, which further helps vocals.

Lip Trills

All vocal warmups benefit from lip trills and sopranos are no different. It’s actually very important as the exercise helps to avoid the chances of straining, which is more common with a soprano due to the high vocal ranges being hit.

It’s simple enough to do – simply close your mouth and pout the lips, then push out air as fast as you can. The sound is similar to blowing raspberries like young children love to do. Practice your lip trills in different pitches as well, adjusting the length and intensity as needed.

Practice Octave Scales soprano warm up

Given the wide scale of a soprano you want to run some scales to help loosen vocal cords for better singing. Begin with your lowest pitch register, working up to reach 2 octaves higher than your natural tone.

From this pitch, lower back into your natural pitch, always singing from the diaphragm and not the lungs. It’s a good idea to try different sounds and tones when practicing your scales, whether using words or syllables.

Hissing Sounds Improve Airflow

As singing soprano involves use of high notes you need to control the airflow for the best sound possible. Too much airflow with high notes may cause damage as well, as the vocal flaps are continually hitting each other, causing them to slowly denigrate.

Airflow exercises are good to practice as a soprano, so try making a hissing sound. Simply focus on making S for about 10-20 seconds, pause, then repeat. You can also try blowing through a small straw for a similar effect!

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