If I Can Sing the Lower Notes With These Thicker Cords or Chest Voice, Should I Attempt to Keep Singing With Chest Voice as I Ascend to the High Notes?

    You can also sing high notes in your chest voice in what is musically referred to as belting. Should you attempt to sing high in your chest voice?

Yes, the possibilities are unending, and a high belt is a showstopper that will let you unleash string emotions into your audience’s souls.

It denotes a singer’s creative ability to explore their vocal range and willingness to depict a strong musical sound.

A high belt drives your fans crazy, and you can be dead-on sure they would love this moment a lot. 

With that said, many youngster singers want to jump into it just like that quickly.

What they forget is the burden of responsibility attached to this musical activity – it is pretty easy to hurt your vocal muscles when belting is conducted improperly.

Worse, you end up shouting or yelling at your audience.

Seriously? Yes, that’s right. Thankfully, you can always learn how to do it better. All in all, it is about practicing and being patient with every little step.

For example, hold proper breath energy for support. And by no means do I mean forcing out large chunks of air to drive the belt from the chest, nope.

That’s what many starters tend to think, but it’s all hogwash and can only hurt your vocal cords.

Instead, you want to start producing as little air as you can possibly do.

Make sure to build your chest or diaphragm and pectoral strength, especially by exercising physically.

They can help your course to unleash a provocative belt when the right time comes. 

In addition, observe the correct standing/upright sitting posture to engage your whole body and not just the small throat only.

Besides, you can also go for the mixing technique whereby you let the head voice blend into the chest voice resulting in a more powerful, higher-pitched sound with great chest voice quality. 

Back to the question, should I attempt to keep singing with a chest voice as I ascend to high notes?

The answer is, you have to have the patience to practice from small steps until you get there.

You won’t simply blast through the wall in a day. Besides your dedication, studying this art over time is another super-duper way to get through any possible barriers on your way.

With continued practice, it occurs that sooner than later, you will be doing it better, much easier, and in a unique style while being able to explore many possibilities in your vocal range. 

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