How To Improve Your Singing Voice?
Whether it is composing a symphony, painting your imagination on a canvas or refining your sculpting skills; you need to stay committed and determined to become good at anything you do.
Singing is like any other form of art. Before you consider going big, you need to first understand your voice is just like any instrument.
But it is an instrument that is ‘inside’ your body and that means you need to first take care your ‘body’ to get the most out of your voice.
It has everything to do with your physicality on a foundational level and to have a strong, unwavering and beautiful singing voice.
You need to first start working on garnering vocal consistency, which is why there are certain factors that you need to commit yourself to.
Enhancing your singing voice is a process where you must work hard and use your passion to keep propelling yourself.
Luckily for you, we have categorized some comprehensive and factual tips of how to improve your singing voice and maintain it.
So let’s begin…
Lifestyle tips for better singing voice
Believe it or not what you do and don’t eat can have an impact on your singing voice.
After all, singing uses a series of muscle contractions and varying movements in your diaphragm, mouth, voice box.
Sure, these contractions are negligible compared to the type of movements your muscles perform when you workout or go for a jog, it is still important that you take care of your diaphragm to sing beautifully.
But what types of foods are going to help me sing my best and what foods should I completely avoid?
That is a good question, and in light of this, mentioned below is what lifestyle you should incorporate to sing like the pros do:
Foods You Should Completely Avoid 3 Hours before Practicing or Performing
Dairy Products like Cheese, Yogurt and Milk
It is with a very heavy heart that we are saying this, but yeah, cheese, milk and yogurt, amongst other dairy products is a big no-no, especially 3 hours before you start your performance or begin practice.
We know, cheese is love, but you got to understand that your body needs to generally work extra hard to break these food items down.
In a lot of instances, cheese or yogurt can lead to acid reflux, which is can slowly travel up towards your esophagus and cause a slightly burning sensation in your vocal cord.
Moreover, you will have to clear your throat in the middle of your practice or performance, which will not leave a good impression.
Processed Sugar
You’re devastated, we know, but if you want to enhance your singing voice, you need to stay focused and make a lot of compromises.
So, in short, DO NOT eat chocolates, drink juice, sugary deserts, candy, gummy items, Nutella, etc.
Just like dairy products, processed sugar clings inside your mouth and throat leading what scientists refer to as “phlegm grossness” – and you don’t want that to happen.
What to Eat Before a Performance or a Practicing Session?
For better singing voice a healthy singer’s meal should be balanced in:
- Lean meat
- Vegetable protein such as tofu
- Eggs
- Fresh fish
- Fruits (avoid citrus fruits)
- Whole grain bread
- Potato or brown rice
Singing is not something you can easily accomplish without strength and energy.
So, never sing when you are starving.
Obviously, you want to have plenty of energy for stretching your muscles and vocal cords in a practice session or a professional performance.
But don’t stuff yourself with large-sized servings in hopes of delivering a powerhouse stage performance.
When you stuff yourself with too much food, it is difficult take low breaths essential for good singing.
Also, you tend to burp when you sing right after eating.
Burping in between an intense performance can lead to a few notoriously viral videos on YouTube.
Hydration is crucial for everyone, particularly a singer. Since our bodies are 70% water, a steady water intake ensures a smooth functioning of all organs of the body.
Never consider the throat as your only singing weapon.
If you want to become a successful singer, your entire body must act as an instrument.
Vocal cords are damaged and the muscles in your body get easily tired when you don’t pay attention to your water intake.
Your voice significantly suffers when you end up being dehydrated.
The last thing you want to do as a singer is to consume fewer fluids and get addicted to caffeine that further dehydrates your body.
When we are humming, singing or even speaking; the sound is produced by the vibration of our vocal cords.
These cords are protected by mucus that also ensures everything else is working properly.
Every wondered why most of today’s singers undergo vocal damage?
Dehydration is one of the major causes of temporary and sometimes permanent vocal injury.
However, too much of a good thing is also bad.
It is understandable why you want to gulp down tons of water to moist your throat.
But do yourself a huge favor and stop your water intake a few hours before a big performance or a practice session.
You don’t want to take frequent bathroom breaks when you are singing your heart out.
Professional performers usually suck on a sugar free hard candy or chew a sugar free gum before going on stage to get the saliva flowing.
How much Water should you Drink?
Experts recommend at least eight glasses of water every day, but you may need to make adjustments according to your daily performance or practice routine.
We all have the same body but our glands may work in unique ways. Singers need more water if they are sweating during a lively performance.
Sometimes, practicing in a dry or hot venue is enough to leave you dehydrated without even knowing it.
Beverages to Avoid
Consume plenty of water throughout the day so you don’t have to make up for it before a performance or a practice session.
Avoid consuming tea, coffee or fizzy drinks as they have a diuretic effect, aggravating dehydration.
Moreover, stay away from iced tea, wine, beer or sugary drinks.
Herbal Hydration
If you don’t trust in the traditional remedies to improve your voice, you are missing out on so much.
Keep the kettle boiling and sip away nutritious herbal tea to make your voice better.
Here are a few herbal brews to offer good hydration along with healthy benefits.
Marshmallow Root
It does not make the list of the strongest of herbal teas.
However, it soothes throat pain and can help you get rid of a persistent cough.
Licorice Root
It is best to consume the sweet herb moderately since it can be harmful if you go overboard.
Ginger Root
This herbal tea is great for calming pre-show butterflies and strengthening your immunity.
No singer wants to be down with flu all the time. It is also beneficial for improving your overall health.
Physical Tips
All the things we have mentioned so far can help you to become a great performer and singer.
However, without proper sleep and rest, you are less likely to attain the kind of fame you are yearning for.
Sleep is more important than you think and it has a huge contribution in your success as a singer.
Importance of Sleep
When you don’t take the time out to sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day; the muscles in your body become tired.
A tired body is the last thing a singer wants if he wants to rock the stage like a pro.
On top of that, stiff and tired muscles also cause a singer’s voice to become sluggish.
When you are exhausted, you use throat muscles for supporting your voice which is even worse.
Since your vocal cords are already fatigued from lack of sleep, no yawning,nodes and polyps can develop due to excessive strain.
Resting your Voice
The best thing to do is to sleep before 11 pm when you don’t have to perform a gig or practice.
Scientists have revealed interesting findings about the release of a human growth hormone between 11pm and 12am.
This hormone is necessary for doing all nightly repairs while we sleep.
A good night’s sleep not only refreshes the mind, it also repairs the tissues and cells that make up our bodies.
Although sleep is crucial for every living soul; it is absolutely essential for singers and performing artists to recharge their bodies.
It is best to avoid singing and practicing on days when you’ve had less sleep.
Sleep is also linked to healing the heart and blood vessels.
It also strengthens the immune system to make a singer less vulnerable to allergy and viral attacks.
How to Avoid Strain?
When you are tired because of lack of sleep, even breathing seems tiring. This causes a voice strain during singing higher notes.
Also, you don’t have the mental energy to experiment with your natural singing capabilities.
Tired people also tend to consume excessive caffeine, that further dehydrates a singer and lead to mucus buildup on the vocal cord.
When you sing with a tired voice, you also develop hoarseness, which makes your voice raspy, strained and breathy.
In reality, it is a symptom and not a condition.
Not many of know, but laryngitis is one of the most common causes of hoarseness.
This is due to swollen vocal cords because of an illness.
Sometimes, vocal fold lesions including cysts, polyps and nodules also develop on the vocal cords when you sing with a tired voice for prolonged time periods.
Treat your voice like you take care of the rest of your body.
Make sure it stays healthy and rested. Sleep, eat and drink well since the signs of strain include a ‘cracking voice’ which is also a sign of insufficient hydration.
Click here for a brief infograph with all the points if you would like to share on your blog
Technical Tips To Improve Your Singing Voice
There are also quite a few technical tips to ensure your voice stands apart.
Just like any serious athlete never pushes the physical limits of his body; a singer never ‘stretches’ his voice without a warming-up session.
A good vocal warm-up methodically prepares the voice to tackle the challenges you are going to encounter while singing.
Prepping Your Throat
There are many warm-up exercises to begin singing.
However, one of the best ways to prepare your throat to allow your voice to warm up in all parts of the range quickly and without strain is to trill the tongue or lips during glides, scales and arpeggios that both descend and climb in pitch.
Tongue and lip trills loosen the lips, tongue and jaw and spread the vocal folds to vibrate mainly at their edges.
This will also help to relax an amateur singer who usually places less focus on having the perfect tone.
Experts believe that it is easier for newbies to access their complete range by trilling the tongue and lips than by singing actual consonants and vowels.
The sound remains unimpeded and natural and the phonation threshold pressure is reduced by offering an acoustic load that is considerably inert.
the upward force on the vocal folds is reduced because of positive oral pressure, the throat remains relaxed and open while the airflow has no obstruction from the articulators.
The singer’s voice is freed up and he can warm-up in the lowest and highest parts of the range with minimal risk of strain. You can also set your respiratory muscles into full action by trilling.
Use your Tongue the Right Way
The tongue heavily contributes to your singing.
While you are practicing, bring it forward and ensure that the tongue’s tip touches the bottom of your teeth.
This allows good airspace to produce a powerful resonating singing voice.
You can create a classical voice when you pull it down towards the throat.
Pay attention to your Larynx position
The larynx stays stable and relaxed when you are conversing. However, it continuously moves up and down while singing.
Ideally, a budding singer wants to use his larynx like pro performers who are skilled at controlling the larynx the way they want it.
You get a darker tone when you lower the larynx; while raising it brightens your voice tone and results in a cheerful singing voice.
Get to Know about your Strengths and Weaknesses
Amateur singers fail to realize the best and worst parts of their singing voice.
This lack of understanding acts as an obstacle to prevent them from improving the quality of their voice.
Pay attention to the notes you struggle to hit right.
Work on developing the lower and basal portion of your voice to create a mature singing voice.
Ignoring your mistakes eventually leads to a weak singing voice that fails to win a listener.
Highlight your strengths, but make sure you work on your weak parts to enhance your voice.
All professional singers have their good parts and bad parts. The key is to strike a perfect balance between the two.
How to Overcome the Mental Hurdle?
Why People Think They Can’t Sing
When you don’t know your songs properly, you suffer from anxiety and stress before a performance.
The best way to calm the butterflies in your stomach is to practice well before a big event.
When you are fully prepared, there is a natural lift in your confidence.
Have you ever wondered why a few mediocre singers make it big in the music industry while many trained singers fail to deliver on stage?
That’s because they don’t have the right attitude and confidence to excite a large audience.
Don’t worry about the people. They are more forgiving than you think.
How to Overcome Stage Fright?
Remain positive and thank your audience every time they support you for a slip-up. They will love you even more!
A singer also does great commercially, when he has more exposure. Ask family and friends to be your first audience.
You can also participate in an Open Mic Night or sing at a Karaoke Bar to build-up your confidence.
Performing in a safe audience does wonders to boost your confidence and groom your skills as a professional singer.
Don’t hold back and unleash your true potential to impress your audience with your singing talent.
Don’t worry about making mistakes along the way.
Even the most famous musicians are prone to make a few mistakes when they are performing in front of thousands of people.
When you focus more on having fun, you automatically begin to sing better.
Your brain is no longer tensed and the whole singing process becomes a form of self-expression.
You will be amazed at how well you sing when you sing without pressure.
What you practice throughout the year will help you to conquer any fears when singing in front of a bigger audience.
It also helps to have a friendly face in the crowd.
Invite your friends over to a gig and it would feel as if you are performing at home for them.
But be discreet and remember to please everyone by waving hands, smiling often and praising your audience’s positive reactions.
If you fail to calm your nerves, you can also do a few breathing exercises.
Practice deep breathing before going on stage.
Here is an effective breathing exercise or technique that goes a long way.
Slowly breathe in through your nose for four counts and then out for four more counts all through your nose.
Control and relax your breathing to get a higher number of breaths each time.
This exercise is called Sama Vritti or “Equal Breathing” and is a great way to focus on your breath to relax your mind.
Why You Shouldn’t Hold Back?
Becoming a great singer requires balancing all important aspects to create perfect harmony.
When you are juggling too many things, you fail to concentrate at your singing and practicing sessions.
It is not rational to expect others to love our performance when we doubt our own singing talents.
A poor posture or a squeaky voice is not going to take you anywhere.
Be confident and hold your head high to let the world that you are ready to shine.
Bonus Tips
Here are a few tips to let you improve your singing voice.
Be Original
Do you fail to find the unique element in your voice?
It hurts to get rejected because you don’t have an original voice.
It feels as if you are lost in a crowd without knowing which way to go.
But have you ever wondered how you can resolve this predicament?
Don’t replicate the tone and style of famous singers who have already won the hearts of their audiences.
When you try to sound like them, you put considerable pressure on your larynx, the vocal cords and your breathing.
This definitely has a devastating impact on your overall performance.
Find your original voice by developing your own distinctive style.
You will find that your voice begins to improve session after session.
When you learn to sing with your own voice, your original voice penetrates deep into a listener’s soul and he doesn’t have to compare you with anyone.
Be Consistent
No matter how much practice you put into your singing; it takes a strong level of commitment to make it big in the music industry.
Your individual vocal chords are one of the best gifts of god that you can use in any way you want.
Practice with a piano to get your notes right.
Never give up or shy away from learning something new from different cultures of the world to build your personal singing style.
Trust in the fact that it took years of hard work and devotion to help professional singers reach the spot where they are today.
If it can take Pavarotti a decade to develop a special quality in his singing, it is irrational to expect overnight success for anyone.
Final Thoughts
Most people hire a professional singing coach or mentor to guide them.
You can also get enrolled in an online course to improve your singing talents.
No matter how you intend to work on your voice, never give up or lose hope.
Apart from having a great falsetto and a convincing vibrato; a successful singer must possess resilience, persistence and the commitment to deliver the very best to his audience.
My passion for singing sparked when I played a small part in my high school play. Although I was terrible at it, there was a sense of liberation that washed over me.
Ever since that moment I have been practicing on perfecting my skill and I’m lucky enough to build a career out of it! I have sung on several movie sound tracks, contracted choirs for films, and has been teaching voice and piano in the Atlanta area for over 10 years.
I want to help people understand the fundamentals of singing, how to prepare the voice and keep it strong for performances, how to juggle singing with a jam-packed schedule, and the need to operate on a budget.